


Why Your Business Needs a Website

APR 09

Choosing a Domain Name

Ideally the address of your website will match the name of your business, such as; in reality, many addresses are already taken. If that's the case for you, give some thought to an original Web page address/name that reflects your business:, perhaps, or something similar. Remember: your Web page address should deliver your business's name as closely as possible, as well as being memorable and distinctive. Your website's address is a marketing tool too.

Hiring a Web Hosting Service

Look for a Web hosting service that's well-established and has a reputable history. Compare fees and determine what services and features are provided for that fee. Also, don't forget the future - you will find that your business Web site can easily be expanded, updated, grown. Make sure your Web hosting service can accommodate changes and additions, quickly and economically.

Finally, choosing a full-featured service is smart. Does the Web hosting company also offer website creation and website software? What other features, services and products are available or included?

Creating a Website Design

Creating a website is simpler than you might think. Website creation and website software make building a website for your business almost as easy as creating and sending an email. Using website templates, website software lets you accomplish building a website quickly, efficiently, and for a very small price.

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  • Raj kumar 2020-03-02 06:18:04

    this is test message

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